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Wednesday 14 November 2012

New artwork for You are my Servant

you are mr servant  final use
Here at last is the new artwork for You are my Servant. This took me a long time to come up with the concept and finally how to come up with the image. In the end I used Illustrator and Photoshop to produce a bleak image of life in the UK at the moment. Under a government we did not elect and a PM who is determined to destroy our public services. This artwork shows my disillusionment with the British political system and all its corruption. We are all Mr Cameron's servants and he can do whatever he likes to our lives. I do apologise to our overseas readers for this very British rant.

I believe the image fits very well with the song, with its gritty menacing undertones and the feeling of unrest that lies beneath the surface of today’s society. Feel free to comment on my very cynical view of the world.
Just to add a little more food for thought, isn't it the politicians who are suppose to serve us? not the other way round.

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