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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Walk a Mile In My Shoes. MG's latest song.

A rather scary tune for Halloween. This is our new song, Which was inspired originally by a riff from a Jimi Hendrix song 1983. Don't ask me how it turned out like this, but it sure has a lot of impact. So here it is Walk A Mile In My Shoes,

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Naughty Boy. Another new song from MG.

Well, they are coming out thick and fast now. We have just released another new song, this one is called Naughty Boy. This strange little song, which is catchier than it should be. This is one of Glenn's flights of fancy and he's made a dam good job of it. We hope you enjoy it.

Monday, 22 October 2012

New song and artwork for Dead Inside

I've been letting my blogging duties slip (oh no) so I have a lot to catch up on. First off our song dead inside has artwork at last. I created this piece to show my feelings about mobile phones, how they communicate so much, yet they have no life and express no feelings. So anyway, here it is.

Secondly we have a new song out. Called You are my Servant. Which is our first foray into dubstep and we really enjoyed writing it. As we both feel right at home writing this style of impact music. Which we believe is very similar to the rock and metal songs we have helped write in the past. So give it a listen, let us know what you think.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

New song. Bored of living in my mind.

So this is the last of our old songs for a while, we will now be concentrating on releasing the songs we have been working on recently. Our other old songs. We are going to remix, as we don't think they are quite up to standard, yet. So look out for a bit of a change in direction to our music. So anyway here is our new track. Please feel free to leave a comment.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

New Master Charger badge artwork

The guys from Master Charger asked me to produce a piece of artwork that they could use for a badge to place on their social media sites, T-shirts and their other promotional packaging. The brief was that they wanted something simple and striking, so that's what they got. Sometimes they say that less is more, then thats what the guys from Master Charger must believe as they really like my design. Well here it is. And this is the link to find out about Master Charger. A true Gritty heavy rock band.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


We have just released our new song DEAD INSIDE. Which differs from the tracks we have released so far, as it has vocals, penned and executed by Glenn himself and I think personally he sounds mighty fine (but don't tell him or he wont be able to get his head in the room). Although he definitely sounds angry as hell on this track which he probably was. It definitely fits the gritty sound of this tune. Anyway have a listen to it see what you think.